By joining as a member, you’ve made a commitment to accessible continuing professional education focused at the executive level. You understand how important it is to keep up with the latest in ideas and trends in international trade and related startegies and technologies to grow your business. We work hard at providing the highest quality events on international business in the Midwest.
The ITCC is dedicated to providing you with qualified networking opportunities. Members who come to the events and communicate on the ITCC website on a regular basis have access to a large community of executives who share the vision of change and incredible growth opportunities that the global marketplace provides. By joining this community you’ve made an important commitment to maintain your contacts with serious international executives in our area.
This includes members-only events and participation in ITCC volunteer committees. Members-only activities include:
You have 24-hour access to your ITCC website and we urge you to contribute and build our international community. You may discuss trade-related ideas and issues with other members or start a post on the ITCC blog. You may submit articles, whitepapers, or preferred links for consideration and publication on the website or in our newsletters.
We appreciate your support in the Club by joining as a member. As a member, you will enjoy important discounts to main Club events. By attending multiple events, your membership will pay for itself.
Our online member directory is in Alpha stage and will soon provide an important benefit by extending your reach beyond the regular events. Stay tuned for details on the directory as they occur.