RYME (https://office746.wordpress.com/) is an international business matchmaking program funded by the European Union to support the international development of SMEs. By building bilateral customer-supplier partnerships import/export, the program’s goal is to foster a dynamic ecosystem of innovative companies leading to growth through international business development and competitiveness.
- Target countries : Brazil, France, Portugal, Spain and USA (Chicago region)
- Activity sectors primarily targeted: Industrial, ICT / Electronics, Biotech / Health/ GreenTech / Sustainable Development,
- Identification of target companies through local partners involved in the program,
- Promotion of meetings between entrepreneurs to create mutual export opportunities.
Program objectives:
- Open access to export markets to innovative companies from the greater Chicago region and neighboring states,
- Provide free assistance in International business development to identify and attract the best E.U. partner(s),
- Improve the competitiveness of all SMEs selected for this program,
- Improve trade relations between the countries of France, Spain, Portugal, USA and Brazil.
Benefits for US companies:
- Free expert assistance in international business development and technology-based alliances,
- Be one of the 3 finalists to be invited to meet their partners in Madrid, Spain.
For more information, please contact:
Don’t wait! RYME ends September 30th.